geekArticle. Date Rape as Comedy

geekArticle. Date Rape as Comedy


[In Observe and Report’s Red Band Trailer] after a night of drinking and drugging, Rogen escorts a half-unconscious Faris (Brandi) to his home and the trailer later cuts to a scene in which Rogen is having sex with the incapacitated Brandi. Nice. When he hesitates, however, we hear a slurred voice pipe up with “Why are you stopping, motherf*****?” Guilt assuaged, right? I mean he’s not raping her — she’s totally into it … right? Well, I’ll leave my opinion for a little later, but it seems like the answer at large has been a big fat whopping ‘No’.

[‘Observe and Report’ Sparks Date-Rape Debate by Jessica Barnes, Cinematical]

There is a discussion going on right now about what’s going to far in a comedy.  Unfortunately, it involved a movie that I was (until now) anxious to see.  It really bums me out that even the hint of Date Rape is being used as a jab at dark comedy.  This is a serious thing that happens far to often in real life.  So, maybe it’s a good thing we’re talking about it.

I’m no prude.  I don’t mind a raunchy comedy here and there.  I’m a big boy and can handle it.  However, this is the first time I’ve actually been bummed out and disgusted by a film’s attempt at being funny and controversial.  Now, I haven’t seen Observe and Report yet.  But, hearing all this doesn’t make me want to run out on date night with the wife and view the latest Seth Rogen comedy.

Here’s what the director Jody Hill had to say about the film and Seth Rogen’s character:

“I wanted to do something where like the main guy makes bad decisions and he’s kind of an asshole.  And you know, if there’s a theme with the works we’ve done, that’s only as a response to that kind of mainstream bullshit.”

Along with Jessica Barnes’ article at Cinematical, there are a couple other articles talking about this.  Check it out, and make up your own mind about this.

‘Observe and Report’ Sparks Date-Rape Debate – Cinematical

‘Observe’ date rape and ‘Report’…laughter? – Boston Herald

‘Observe and Report’s’ Date Rape Scene: Funny or Offensive? – ABC News

Controversy: Is the Seth Rogen Sex Scene in “Observe and Report” Date Rape or Harmless Fun? – Rolling Stone

Observe and Report’s Shocking Sex Scene Draws Fire – Wired