Archive for July 13th, 2009
You are currently browsing the geekCouch blog archives for the day Monday, July 13th, 2009.
You are currently browsing the geekCouch blog archives for the day Monday, July 13th, 2009.
This is where you wonder if the Human Race has lost it. Tomomi Sayuda has designed the iBum. A chair that photocopies your ass, unknowingly.
I’ll let him explain himself:
“The arse is the window of the soul.”
I believe that human buttocks are one of the less discussed and focused part of human body. In this “iBum” project, I would like to reveal the visual of this less popular part of body without notice. The chair reveal human unconsciousness and reality. When audience sit down on the chair, a scanner on the top of chair start to scan people`s buttocks automatically. Then the scanned image is printed out from the right hand side of the chair. A sensor is detecting people`s existence all the time. So people will not realize the existence of the scanner. Without notice, the photocopy of the bum will arrive next to the chair.
Hate to burst your bubble, Tomomi Sayuda, but I highly doubt we’ll be seeing the iBum anytime soon. People with “photocopy ass” fetishes are a very small percentage of the population.
[Source: Gizmodo]
Best. Bed Idea. Ever.
My life would be complete if I could just own a Cheeseburger Bed. Visit the Facebook Page and if you trust Ebay you may be able to own this amazing bed!
Would it be weird to salivate before bedtime every night?