31 Days of Halloween
Magic (1978)
Directed by: Richard Attenborough
Written by: William Goldman
Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Ann-Margret and Burgess Meredith
A film with young Anthony Hopkins and a puppet directed by the old guy in JURASSIC PARK?! What a strange combo. Though, in 1978 I’m sure it wasn’t that strange.
MAGIC is about a magician who has a strange connection with his puppet that turns murderous. Anthony Hopkins is really great in this role. It’s actually the first time I’ve seen him in a movie as a young man, I think. Also, the puppet is damn creepy. I may never trust a ventriloquist dummy ever again. There are some straight up creepy moments of the puppet just sitting in chair. Nightmare fuel.
All the performances are great. There’s a love story here that’s believable enough. MAGIC is a surprisingly great little psychological horror flick.
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