31 Days of Halloween
Session 9 (2001)
Directed by: Brad Anderson
Written by: Brad Anderson, Stephen Gevedon
Starring: David Caruso, Stephen Gevedon and Paul Guilfoyle
When I started SESSION 9 I was worried. The acting was mediocre, the story seemed to unfold too slow and the film looked like it was shot on video. I stuck with it, though, and am very glad I did. If you’re patient SESSION 9 is a very rewarding experience.
The story revolves around an asbestos cleaning crew who’s been hired to clean out an old insane asylum. As they delve deeper into the building a horrific past comes to light and starts affecting the crew one by one.
The performances are strong and characters likable enough to carry the film. Even though the first 45 minutes can be a slog, the final act of the film is so well done and thrilling it makes up for it. I was on the edge of my seat.
Not a conventional film, SESSION 9 is well worth a visit.
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