Oh My Goodness Releases Video For Their Song “OMG OMG”

Oh My Goodness Releases Video For Their Song “OMG OMG”


Videos like this make me mourn for the loss of MTV (OK kids…that reality show channel you watch used to be a TV station that played music videos 24/7. It was awesome!). Check out Oh My Goodness‘ video for their song “OMG OMG”

Pachinko Pictures created the video, and here’s what they had to say about it:

“The video uses a modified slit-scan photography system we built in After Effects to achieve all those super weird stretches. But instead of pulling the image apart in the traditional way (line-by-line, top-to-bottom) we built a system that lets us divide up the image into concentric shapes centred on parts of the performance that we wanted to keep in sync with the music, like Therese’s mouth.”

If you dig this song, make sure you grab their EP over at their Bandcamp page. It’s only $6.