**UPDATE: Blu-Ray most likely in the works! (AintItCool)
For Horror fans, we can all breath a sigh of relief. The awesome 80′s zombie flick Night of the Creeps is FINALLY set to arrive on DVD in October! After suffering through our VHS copies, crappy bootlegs and signing online petitions we can have a decent copy of Night of the Creeps in our collections.
From Chud:
Until this October. And it’s going to be a special edition! Red Shirt Pictures’ Michael Felsher was on Dead Pit radio today and said that he had just spoken to Sony and the disc was official. He said: ‘It’s going to be the director’s cut with the original ending. We’re going to go balls to the wall with the special features on it.’
When I heard about this, I busted out my white man dance and am now scouring Amazon for Pre-Sale info. I’ll keep you posted.
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