
Tagged ‘Robin Hood‘

DVD/Blu-ray Releases for 9/21/2010

Buying movies is almost a dangerous obession with me. I love it, and probably have spent more money on movies in my lifetime than any sane person. At least I’m not spending money on heroine. New Movie Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. Here are this week’s releases as well as my recommendations. Being the film snob I am, I will recommend the Blu Ray versions of these flicks if available.



Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Ever wonder what 300 would have been like if it was an Unrated TV Series on a cable network, took place in Ancient Rome, and the producers sprinkled some Skin-a-Max overtones? Look no further! It’s Starz Original Series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand!

This is one of these series that is so over-the-top you have to love it.  It’s like HBO’s Rome spliced with 300 spliced with Gladiator, and that’s a good thing.  So, why buy? Because for a blu ray release, it’s pretty dang cheap at $30. [Amazon]


Robin Hood

Ridley Scott gets a second chance to win us over with his Robin Hood epic thanks to this Unrated Director’s Cut release.  For the most part, it works.  The Director’s Cut is a much better movie thanks to some expanded storytelling.  Certain events don’t seem so rushed  (How did the kids from Lord of the Flies get dropped into a Robin Hood story?) while the relationship between Robin Longstride and Marian flows a little better.  For an expanded look at this blu ray set, read my review.

If you haven’t seen this yet, Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood is at least worth a rental.  If you saw it in theaters and were disappointed because the marketing set you up for a different film, give the Director’s Cut a chance.  It’s still not the classic Robin Hood story, but it is a great medieval epic that does a solid job setting up the Robin Hood legend.  Hopefully there’s a second film.  Then this film can be fully appreciated. [Amazon]

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Blu Ray Review: Robin Hood – Unrated Director’s Cut

Robin Hood (2010) – Unrated Director’s Cut (Blu-ray)
September 21, 2010 | Unrated | Region A | Universal

The Film  ★★★★☆ || Video ★★★★★ || Audio ★★★★★

Extras ★★★★☆ || Replay ★★★½☆ || Overall Rating: ★★★★½Â 


Ridley Scott’s deconstruction of the Robin Hood mythos and restructuring of the legend into a fully realized story was a gutsy move by the director.  Judging by word of mouth and critical reviews, the masses went in to Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood expecting something completely different.  The film’s marketing and highly deceptive trailers told us we were going to get the standard “gritty version” of the tale we’re all familiar with.  However, we were shown the exact opposite. 

Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood is a “prequel” of sorts.  This is the first part of a larger story.  Hence, Universal’s choice to name this film Robin Hood is extremely misleading to the standard movie goer.  This isn’t the story of “Robin of The Hood”.  This is the story of Robin Longstride, the man who would one day be known as Robin of The Hood.  This is a shame, because without pretenses, Ridley Scott’s Robin Hood is an epic medieval tale on the grandest scale very much worth your time.

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